We’re happy to offer ad space at the top of our episodes to creators, businesses, platforms, and causes that align with our own values. Night Shift is a queer-led and diverse production, with a particular interest in promoting LGBTQ+ and POC creators and businesses. Our episodes reach a global audience in more than 34 countries worldwide.
If you’re interested in sponsoring one or more episodes of Night Shift, please email nightshiftcoffeeshop@gmail.com with details of your ad to discuss rates and ideas. Alternatively, reach out on social media.
Alternatively, if you can’t afford to sponsor but still have something to promote, we are offering one-time promotions to charitable organizations, small businesses, and independent creators. Even if you’re not sure you fit into these categories, we’re open to your submission – we want to support and uplift others in our audience and communities Promotions will be offered selectively and at our discretion, and we’ll get in touch only if your application is approved or we need any further details.
To apply for a free one-time promotion spot, please email us at the address above with the following information:
You/your organization’s name and public social media (if applicable)
A link to what you are looking to promote
A short description of what you would like to promote, why, and also why you’d like to reach our audience specifically
If possible, a 30-60 second audio file of your promotion in .mp3 or .wav format. If you are unable to record this yourself, let us know and we will discuss if your application is approved.