About the show
Night Shift is a queer-led serialized docudrama centered around Echor City, home of the formidable Augur Corporation, and a host of conspiracies, all of which Sebastian Fen is determined to explore on his podcast. He records during quiet moments at his job at Night Shift coffee shop. Central to Sebastian's investigations is the face of Augur's renowned biotechnology department, Dr. Volta.
Hey everyone! I'm Julian, producer, editor & lead writer (principle hat wearer) for Night Shift, and the voice of Sebastian Fen. I'm a firm believer that anything can happen if you put your mind to it, and the Night Shift podcast is a true labor of love.
It matters so much to me to tell queer stories, especially ones where queerness can simply exist within the story as plainly and openly as it should be allowed to in real life. To me, Night Shift is a story of discovery, of acceptance, of self-worth, and of looking at the world around you and saying: how can I leave this place better than I found it?
I started what would eventually become Night Shift back in 2016, but I couldn’t have created this podcast without the help of my incredible team and our amazing, extensive cast, all of whom have sculpted it into what it is today, and to the support of everyone who listens and believes in our story. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
The Team
Creative Director / Head Writer / Audio Editor
Character Artist / Writer for Angelo Volta, Adair North, Styx
Lead Co-Writer / Voice Director
Project Coordinator / Writer for Cam Archer
Character Artist / Writer for Quin Sterling
Thank Yous
Special thanks to our executive producers from Patreon:
Sofia Johansson and Katie B
Thank you to all of our wonderful, dedicated crowdfund backers for Season Two:
Abigail Johnson, Adrienne Standley, Aimee Hudson, Alex Lilikoi, Alexander Moommala, Alexandra Johnson, Alyssa Janse van Rensburg, Amber Rose Fullmer, Amelia Burrell, Angie Rodriguez, Anthony Braddick-Southgate, Aria Pandolfi, Arlo James-Mclindon, Ash Allen, Ashley Goodnow, Barbara Silcox, Becca Exists, Ben Beerbohm, Benjamin Kuriga, Carrie King, Charlie C Neal, Charlotte Marlinga, Chris Thomas, Chris Worm, Claudia Elvidge, Colleen Loughrey, Connor McBee, Courtney Chum, dakota friedman, denisamb19, earlgreywithcream, El D, Eleonora Finotto, Elisabeth A, Ella Watts, Ellis Llewellyn, Emma W, erinlwebb, Franziska Hömke, Genna H, Graham Zell, Hannah Brooks, Hunter IB, Jack Levin, Jenny Higgs, Jess Lynn, Julia Sekielska, Julianna McNeice, Juliette Gil, Kaden Loubert, Katie Leffler, Katie McIntosh, Katie Melssen, Kayla Hale, Kaylee Tibnam, kbrookshire321, Kelly Brennan, Kiera Procter, Krzysztof Bujalski, L Lyons, Leon T Stickler, Lilian Rose Mitchell, lionsong94, Lisa Offhaus, Liz B, lorenza.shabe, Lyndsey Dunbar, Maddie Cooper-Wallis, Madeleine Scherer, Malayna Kingsley-Smith, Maria C Watkins, Marie K, Marzena Sadowska, Mauve Bee, Meegan May (Starship Q Star), Mercy Meilunas, Mika D, Mikhaïl Morel, Mikky Henrie, Morphomaagi, Nancy Riley, Naomi Benson, Nathan Huellinghoff, Nicole P., Paula Karlsson Boo, Pia Inger Sepman, Rasa Putnina, Ravynia And The Den Community, Rebecca Meerheimb, Rebekah B, Riles, Robyn Ingram, Rose Uhrich, ruthball, Samantha Shipman, Shane mattsen, Simon Grace, Sierra Betcher, Sierra Rondquist, Sofia Johansson, Sorren Briarwood, Stella Fröhlich, Terry Young, The Wretched Eleanor, Tom Bowman, Ty Knights, Val Epstein, William Ernest
And our eternal thanks to the crowdfund backers who helped kickstart the project for Season One – without you we never could have gotten Night Shift off the ground:
Aaron, Ash A, Alexandra Johnson, ankhefenra, Brandon Crews, Brian Courtade, Brian Swanson, Bridh Blanchard, Carolyn King, chetungwan, Christopher Thomas, Colleen Loughrey, Courtney Black, Dollia Maraka, Eli Nightshadow, Emily Hogarth, EW, Grace Felion, Josh King, Juliette Gil, Kaden, Katie, Katrina Cortopassi, Kayla, Lena, Limey, Marco, Mariah Neal, Märrie Kinscheck, Mia, myshade1973, Nicolette Joyner, Nox, rainbwlitebrite, RB Lewis, Sasha, Sofia Johansson, Squidalz, Tali Economy, tetriQuinn, The Creative Fund, TheWanderingWordsmith, xrocstarrx
And to the friends who helped inspire and develop the Night Shift universe:
Dia, Bev, Limey, Kaos, & Alexei
A huge and super special thanks to Katie B and Marie K for your financial backing and huge contributions towards the creation of the show.
Katie B
An accountant by day, writer by night, Katie has been supporting our productions for years and we wouldn't be where we are without her. Thank you so much for your ceaseless love and contributions, and for being the biggest investor in our ideas.
Marie K
Coming soon
And of course, thank you to all our Patreon supporters! We couldn’t make this series without you and we appreciate each and every one of you so much.
Adrian Vail, Alec Brown, Alex Miller Tate, Alexandra L. Johnson, Alicia McLachlan, Alistair Howem, Amelia, ankhefenra, Anthony Braddick-Southgate, Arcardia, Ash, Ashley Allen, Aurelie Caruana, Beau, Bebheann Conlin, BekaTerrier, Benedict Allen, C, Christopher Walker, Clara Ehlers, Cyookie, Daniel Lux, Dean Marks, Diaval, E W, El D, Eli Armstrong, Elizabeth Reuter, Finn, Fionnula Davis-Patton, fullofpith, Haldir the Turtle, Jack Levin, Jae, Jane Bailey, Jen Middleton, Jenny Strandqvist, Jovina Listewnik, joyfuljupiter, Jules B, Julia Korber, Kaden, Kai Kimball, Kaliis Smith, Karen Stephenson, kasey, Katie B, Kayla Hale, Kaylee Brookshire, KCH, Kellen, Kiera, Kristen Weese, Krys Bruce, Laura Oliver, Lea, Leah Schell, Lex, LH, Lily Mogen, Limey, Lucien, Lydia Maier, MaerrieJ, Malidia Hawke, Mathew Guest, Maverick Day, Milo, Mishkali, Nadia Parks McCarthy, Nancy M, Nikkie, Nox Duck, Odayin Gold, Paula Boo, PeaceAngel, Pondermoofin, Quin Beltrante, Ra, Rachel Horton, Raethr, Raven, Ravynia, Ray, Rey, Rohana, Saiph, Salem Rose, Sam Payne, Sara Miller, Saskia Smith, Shawn, Carraway, Sofia Johansson, Stefanie Rich, stitch, The Diplomancer, The Wandering Wordsmith, the_Chocobean, Titanic Ultimatum, Tori Edwards, Tzila, Valerie Herer, Vin, Virgil Drister, WoRm, worm head